The Blind Cleaning Company

330 Route 110
Farmingdale, NY 11735

The Blind Cleaning Company

Business Highlights:

  • Family owned and operated.
  • State-of-the-art cleaning process.
  • Free estimates available.
  • Fully licensed and insured.


The Blind Cleaning Company is a family owned and operated business on Long Island offering state-of-the-art ultrasonic blind cleaning. This amazing process removes dust, dirt, pollen, dust mites, nicotine, mold and other unhealthy airborne contaminants.

Our Location:

Business Hours:

Monday: 10am - 8pm

Tuesday: 10am - 6pm

Wednesday: 10am - 6pm

Thursday: 10am - 6pm

Friday: 10am - 8pm

Saturday: 10am - 5pm

Sunday: Closed

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